Chen's Studio我陳藝文邀您加入社團 https://goo.gl/aTmAlv 優雅的阿根廷探戈舞會 Practica Sacale Punta活動網址 https://goo.gl/kdSFGC

每周二 在 Chen's Studio Argentine Tango Dance 晚上 7:30~10:30 在夏夜的台北忠孝東路上 路燈閃爍在兩旁 你和我卻可以 恣意的夜舞在這裡?

Practica Sacale Punta @ Chen's Studio 拋掉白日的煩憂 讓我掉落阿根廷探戈的舞曲裡

歡迎 每周二 來練跳 只有再不斷的練習中 才可找到生命的出口

台北市忠孝東路4段128號4樓 02- 27752577 Chen's Studio我陳藝文邀您加入社團 https://goo.gl/aTmAlv

Practica Sacale Punta @ Chen's Studio https://goo.gl/aTmAlv

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Readings In Language And Culture
Rope, jade rings, goat, goose cage, chrysanthemum…
Imagine how these commonplace things can be associated with ghosts in Chinese culture?

Our main diction and vocabulary are based on the HSK (The Chinese Proficiency Test). This book belongs to the intermediate-advanced level of Read about china series, equivalent to the intermediate level of the HSK and suitable for people who are preparing for the AP(Advanced Placement) Chinese examination.

. Every story starts with some brief questions , which challenge your curiosity so that after reading the story you will feel a deeper impact .
. Each story is divided into short paragraphs making reading and comprehension of the content easier.
. To facilitate understanding of the content, Hanyu Pinyin (romanised Chinese ), English translation and explanation of vocabulary are attached.
. More background of the stories have been included in Expansion Reading.
. Mind challenging games are included as well.
. A glossary of common words and phrases is attached .




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